Over the years, a woman's body goes through innumerable changes, by the way of childbirth and the hormonal changes that comes with each stage of her reproductive life from puberty to menopause. These changes can cause physiological damage to her body leading to incidents such as involuntary urine leakage, vaginal laxity, vaginal dryness and infections related to the same. Such incidents lead to loss of self-esteem and prevent women from leading a healthy lifestyle. With the cosmetic gynaecology treatment performed using the Lasotronix Smart M 1470 nm surgical laser diode, it is possible to regain the physiological normalcy and rejuvenate the healthy intimate life. The Lasotronix Smart 1470 nm laser device used for Cosmetic Gynaecology provides a quick, safe, minimally invasive, and a highly effective solution for a variety of feminine health concerns. This quick and painless procedure – almost of the outpatient nature – results in almost immediate improvement with lasting results.
Like skin, vaginal tissue is made up of collagen fibers which give it strength and flexibility. Cosmetic Gynecology uses breakthrough diode laser technology to gently heat vaginal tissue, contracting existing fibers and stimulating the formation of new collagen. This improves the functionality of the entire vaginal area normalizing blood flow, increasing lubrication, boosting immune resistance and restoring the strength and elasticity of the vaginal walls. This improves the functionality of the entire vaginal area normalizing blood flow, increasing lubrication, boosting immune resistance and restoring the strength and elasticity of the vaginal walls.
The Lasotronix Smart M 1470 nm emits a water-specific laser beam which passes perfectly through the vein structure. As a result, only a target area gets affected. In this technique, the Lasotronix Smart M 1470 nm targets the vaginal mucosa. The wavelength of 1470 nm when combined with the controlled radial emission from the laser handpiece has a bio-modulating effect that :
Stimulates neo-collagenesis.
Regenerates the epithelium and the connective tissue.
Rejuvenates the mucosa by restoring firmness, flexibility and hydration.
Stops urinary incontinence restoring the body to normal function.